Monday, December 21, 2015

Article: Creating Demand

                You’ve finally moved past sound checks and warm up slots. Now promoters hit you up constantly to play this event or that event. Take a moment to think about the effect you have playing every week in your local market.
                4-6 months down the line, the dancefloor starts to thin out. People begin going outside to smoke, socialize, or chill at the bar during your sets. What happened? You became background noise. How do you avoid the downward spiral of a local act?

                You have two options. The first is to start working on gigs in different markets. The second is to create demand and maintain it. The easiest way to create demand is to play every set like it’s your last. Rock the house and be different. Now, do this once a month at the most and never at the same venue twice in a row.
                Now people look forward to seeing your name on a bill. They are also more likely to come out knowing they can’t just wait until the next event to catch your set.
                You must still stay relevant. Keep up with musical trends and update your style to keep up with the times. Stay involved with your local community. You have those same 4 people you see show up to every gig? Maybe it is time to become part of their social circle. They will work harder for you than anyone else.